

A life with Christ isn’t about sin. It is about submission; Asking God to become the first priority in our life. We may have minimal self-control over habits of temptation. However, we can provide the openness for our love to grow in God through the Word of His Son.


Our first priority can then be for God to change us to “His will” according to His timetable. At that point we are facing God rather than turning our backs to Him.


His response is called “grace.”





We provide the willingness to learn, place ourselves in a learning environment, and pray to a God who teaches us love, by first loving us. 1 (John 4:19) 1 John 4:7-30


Why do people attend worship?  A visit may place us among those who seek to grow in His righteousness.


Local Church websites commonly provide information.  This resource may aid to select which ones to visit.


God is worthy of our growth and praise. -  Consider a local faith-based church.


Table of Contents


Chapter 1: Facing God 

Chapter 2: The Bible and God's Plan

Chapter 3: What is Prayer? 

Chapter 4: How to Receive Grace 

Chapter 5: Forgiving Others

Chapter 6: Facing Ourself

Chapter 7: How to Pray

                  Conclusion  (current page)


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Except otherwise specified, scripture quotations taken from The Holy Bible, New International Version® NIV® Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984, 2011 by Biblica, Inc. Used with permission. All rights reserved worldwide.